
Timeshare Specialists

What Happens If I Stop Paying My Timeshare

Whether it's the annual maintenance fees or the loan payments for the timeshare itself, falling behind can have significant consequences. Read on to find out what happens if you stop paying your timeshare.

Owning a timeshare can be a great way to guarantee vacation time each year, but what happens when you find yourself unable to keep up with the payments? Whether it’s the annual maintenance fees or the loan payments for the timeshare itself, falling behind can have significant consequences.

This blog will explore what happens if you stop paying your timeshare and discuss your options, including how Timeshare Specialists can help.

Immediate And Long-Term Consequences of Not Paying Your Timeshare

1. Late Fees and Penalties

The first consequence of missing a payment is typically a late fee. These fees can add up quickly, making catching up on your payments even more challenging.

2. Loss of Usage Rights

If you fail to pay your maintenance fees, you may lose the right to use your timeshare. This means you won’t be able to enjoy the vacation time you originally purchased.

3. Collection Actions

After a few missed payments, your timeshare company will likely turn your account over to a collections agency. This can result in frequent calls and letters demanding payment.

4. Damage to Credit Score

Your credit score will suffer if your timeshare account goes into collections. This can affect your ability to obtain loans, credit cards, or even rent an apartment in the future.

5. Foreclosure

Ultimately, if you continue to miss payments, the timeshare company may initiate foreclosure proceedings. This means you could lose your timeshare altogether, and it will negatively impact your credit for years to come.

What Are Your Options?

If you’re struggling to keep up with your timeshare payments, it’s important to know that you have options.

1. Contact Your Timeshare Company

The first step is to contact your timeshare company. Explain your situation and see if they offer any hardship programs or payment plans. Some companies may allow you to temporarily defer or restructure your payment plan.

2. Rent Out Your Timeshare

Consider renting out your timeshare to cover the maintenance fees. Many owners find this to be a viable solution to avoid falling behind on payments. If you’re unsure how to start, check out our guide on How to Rent Your Timeshare.

3. Sell Your Timeshare

Selling your timeshare can be a good option if you no longer want to keep it. However, the resale market can be challenging. Learn more about how to navigate this process here or avail of our Owner’s Advantage Plan service.

4. Work with a Timeshare Exit Company

A reputable timeshare exit company can help you legally and ethically get out of your timeshare contract. Be cautious and choose a company with a proven track record. Timeshare Specialists can assist you with this process, ensuring you find the best solution for your situation.

Tips For When Falling Behind on Timeshare Maintenance Fees

Maintenance fees can be a significant burden, especially when they increase annually. If you’re falling behind on these payments, here are some strategies to consider:

·      Budget Adjustment: review your budget and see where you can cut expenses to allocate more funds towards your maintenance fees.

·      Rental Income: as mentioned earlier, renting out your timeshare can help cover these costs. This can be particularly effective if your timeshare is in a high-demand location.

·      Negotiate with Your Timeshare Company: Reach out to your timeshare company to discuss your financial situation. They might offer temporary relief or a more manageable payment plan.

·      Utilize Professional Help: Timeshare Specialists can provide personalized assistance to help you manage or exit your timeshare. We have the expertise to guide you through various options and find the best solution for your needs.

How Timeshare Specialists Can Help

At Timeshare Specialists, we understand the challenges that come with timeshare ownership, especially when financial difficulties arise.

If you need assistance or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of timeshare ownership and find the best path forward

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About the Author

John Kushman

John Kushman is the President of Timeshare Specialists, Inc. and Co-Owner of Resort Closings, Inc. He has overseen the sale of tens of thousands of Timeshares on the resale market and founded the Timeshare Scam Hotline in 2018 to protect consumers from con-artists.


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